monday reading....

This Monday finds me having completed The Giver and Now You See Her (which I did NOT like - review soon).  Currently I'm reading Major Pettigrew's Last Stand given to me by a friend.  It was on lots of "2010 best of" lists and I've been intending to read it so was pleased to receive it.

How about you?  Did you start something new this week?  Hosted by Book Journey....


  1. I keep seeing Major Pettigrew's Last Stand on the returned books shelf in the library, looks very popular!

  2. a friend of mine said this summer that i HAD to read the giver. (unfortunately, i haven't gotten to it yet). is it as great as she said?

  3. I just finished one I didn't like either.

    MajorPLS was on a lot of lists, look forward to your review.

  4. Hi Terrie, blogging consume my day. I can only read at night and sometimes can't do it because I watched my favorite tv show ^_^. But then I do really try to read a book because it's my first passion, before I love cooking and photography as well as blogging and facebooking, reading is my number one. Right now I have three books that I start to read, The Pride of the Peacock by Victoria Holt, Rediscovering Catholicism by Matthew Kelly and Theology of the Body by Christopher West. As you've said "so many books so little time" Happy weekend and thanks for the visit.

  5. hi Terri
    Thank you for your comments about my art journey, they are much appreciated - and there's lots more to come. When I am not painting (or cooking or playing with my dogs) I read. I am just finishing my second time through The Last Chinese Chef, by Nicole Mones. It is a fascinating book - culture, china, food, relationships, highly recommended. I also loved Major Pettigrew. We have much in common - see you again soon, my site or yours?

  6. I cannot get through "The Giver" :-( As a child, I skimmed through it, and knew of the major twists-- it disheartened and upset me too much to sit down and pour through it thoroughly, and as an adult, I still have shivers over what I remember. Why didn't you like it? Should I try it again? By the way, thank you for the lovely art comments, very thankful to read them (-;
